The Last Guardian

I've been asked to introduce The Last Guardian to you, and I have no idea where to start. It is an odd position for me since this is my first novel. And it's not a conventional novel either.
I wanted to write the story of an immortal man who did not want to live any longer but could not end his own life. But in order for the reader to understand his motivations, I had to show his past—and there was just so much of it!
The book has two stories in two separate timelines. Eli in the past, and Eli in the present. I wrote it like this to show Eli's past in a way that did not feel like I was info-dumping on my readers. I wanted it to be enjoyable to read, after all. At first, I contemplated writing the story purely in the present, but after I had finished the first six chapters, I realized there was just way too much backstory, and every few pages I would find myself having to explain something or state things that could easily fit in a chapter themselves.
So I decided to do just that: write two stories in one. And I think it worked. But of course, that is for you to decide.